
My Faith Statement By Luke Zietlow - May 2007

Jesus is in my life as my savior and someone who is there to talk to and help me throughout each day. He is my support. God has helped me throughout my life many times. I talk to him when no one else will listen to me. I have talked to God many times in my prayers about my father.

Church has helped me get closer to God and has strengthened my faith. I know God is active in our daily lives and helped with our existence on the earth. However, I am not yet sure if he is the reason for the worlds existence.

Evil is the thing in a person that wants to get loose, but we hold it in because we know that it is wrong. Sin is bad and it does not feel good to do bad things. I feel with sin we need to pray for Jesus and God to forgive us.

I believe God gave us the commandments as guidelines to get through our lives. I believe God sent Jesus to help us through our lives as someone to talk to. Jesus knows how I feel, because he knows what I have been through. I like to picture God as a friend so that I can talk to him about whatever I need to.

God asks us to pray for his son and him, and not to sin, and to help others the way he and Jesus have helped us. Change in our lives is possible. All we have to do is ask God hand Jesus to help us and to help us believe in ourselves.

I believe the word calm best describes what the world would be like if everyone practiced faith. I believe I will go to heaven if I keep my faith strong. Heaven will be a place to relax and not worry about things. It is a place to be happy. Hell would be a really stressful place.

If I shared my faith with someone I would tell them that the Lord is always there to talk to and to encourage us in our lives. Gods son Jesus died for us to show us how much we are loved.